Friday, June 5, 2009


Can see the ghost one? This fact is: Ghost Hunters from the UK, Paul Rowland, claiming successfully create the electronic device to perpetuate the image spirit walk in.

Electronic device is equipped with ultraviolet and infrared rays to capture images that can not afford regular camera enshrined. With electronic devices that, Paul Rowland successfully monumentalize spirit a little child in one of the Welsh room mansion where he worked.

He believes the development of electronic devices that help the camera is capable of capturing the spirit of a number of fine pictures in the future.

Maybe, someday you can say : 'hello' with spirit or ghost in around of you!

By using ultraviolet rays and blue to allow image capture in the dark room. The device is also equipped with a digital still camera and camcorder capable of capturing images in the ultraviolet light beam.


Akmal Online said...

Wah serem juga yah tuh camera.. :-t

nur kholiq said...

hmmm...gile bener!!!

kakara said...

hmm.. nice post frenz ..
TFS :)

is said...

@ Akmal Online :
thankyou on your comment here...

@ nur kholiq :
Its a amazing techno...

@ kakara :
Thanks for drop in here...

rad12 said...

sip jg cuy..

agung said...

Seru juga usah nyewa para pemburu hantu lagi kalee yee...hihihi...

Ada-ada aja bikin kamera malah ketakutan ntar klo keliatan wujud aselinya.

Slm kenal y.

Zippy said...

Sorry nih br bs mampir...
Kalo mw buat kotak komentar kayak punya Blog gue, coba kesini aja

is said...

* rad12 :
Thanks on your comment,friend!

* agung :
Iyya...ngeri yaa...

* Zippy :
Thanks ya fren atas link-nya...nanti thak coba pasang di blog ini...bisa apa nggak yaa...???

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